Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pleased to Meet You ..

..hope you guess my name.

And if you can't, then I'll just tell you now. My name is Liz. And I'm starting a blog with the intention of taking up an old hobby that I used to love - writing. I've always had a desire to share my experiences and thoughts through words but never really knew how I was going to do it. So, a big thank you to the World Wide Web for these lovely little online blogging communities. I've found my outlet. And I'll send out another thank you to my friend for inspiring the idea! Perhaps one day she'll read this, but for now I think I'm going to keep my blog on the DL until I see where it goes ...

Despite the fact that I don't generally enjoy talking myself up, I figure I might as well give you at least a  little information about the girl behind this blog.

I am a somewhat recent graduate. I graduated in December 2012 and am now working as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in Vancouver, Canada (best city in the world!). I love my job and at 23 years old, I'm thankful I've found something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. I'm still living at home (thanks to student loans) and soo grateful that my family hasn't kicked me out yet! I'm very close with my parents and brother so it's worked out nicely ..I can't complain. I love my friends. I love my boyfriend. I have a cat. She's quite the character and I'm sure you'll hear about her at some point on here. I am a music junkie - give me any genre and I will happily sing and dance the night away. Okay, maybe not that hardcore, heavy metal stuff but for the most part I enjoy all tunes. Especially classic rock. And country. I love yoga and I love the gym. With my work schedule at the moment (I'm on call) it can be hard to find the time to work out so when I do it feels THAT much better. My favorite season used to be summer but since taking up skiing last year I think that may be changing. I love food. I love to cook. I have a strong desire to travel (I've only been to the Netherlands and Mexico) and there's so many other places I'd like to see! I enjoy reading. I love learning new things. I'm a clean freak.

..and now I'm running out of things to say! I know there's so much more to a person than that so here's to hoping that you'll eventually see me through my blog.
